Working with farmers to enhance the natural health of the countryside

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Ask the Farmer with Mayo Sheep Farmer Colum Ginnelly

Colum's Q&A will take place on Tuesday 18th March at 8pm Colum Ginnelly is an upland, conventional sheep farmer in Mulranny, Co. Mayo. He keeps 250-280 ewes on multiple commonages and even has some land on islands in Clew Bay. He keeps a lowland and ...

Mayo Sheep Farmer Who Helped Recruit Over 150 Neighbours for Nature Scheme is New Ambassador

Colum Ginnelly is a sheep farmer on the Nephin Beg mountain range in Co. Mayo Colum was instrumental in recruiting over 150 other farmers into the Wild Atlantic Nature Scheme Colum is a big advocate of the results-based scheme saying it 'was the best thing ...

The Spring Newsletter is Out Now!

We release a new newsletter every three months to coincide with each new season - we catch you up on everything new in the project, funding opportunities and much more... Newsletters (2)Download

Register for Ask the Farmer with Knocknarea Farm – Mixed regenerative Farm

Seán and Rob will be taking part in an online Q&A next Tuesday 11th February Seán and Rob run a mixed enterprise on 20 hectares near Strandhill, Co. Sligo. Just four years in operation, they have closed their fertility loop, producing all their own compost ...

10 steps you can take to support nature on your land


Farming for Nature,
Burrenbeo Trust,
Glebe Road,
County Galway

Tel: 087 1797352


Farming for Nature,
Burrenbeo Trust,
Glebe Road,
County Galway

Tel: 087 1797352

Our Growing Impact

Action for nature


ponds for wildlife built since 2019

Ambassador Network


farmers awarded for outstanding commitments to nature since 2018

Farmer to Farmer Mentorships


farmers have undertaken our programme to improve biodiversity across 8083 acres

Educational content


Farming For Nature Handbooks sold in 2 months

Knowledge exchange


attendees to farm walks & online webinars since 2019

Supporting farmers


euros paid to farmers for knowledge exchange & actions for biodiversity in 2024 alone

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Join our forum for farmers to ask questions and share information around farming for nature.

It is set up to encourage and support farmers that are or wish to include nature more in their farming practices. Whilst it is primarily for farmers we welcome users that are able to contribute from related fields.

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