Agri environmental scheme research project

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Dear All, my name is Victoria McArthur, I am currently studying for a masters degree in Environmental Management at the University of Ulster. I would like to invite you to participate in a research study which aims to explore the factors that affect behavioural change in farmers who are participating in results based agri-environmental schemes (AES) in Ireland. As part of my research, I am asking farmers to take part in a short one to one interview to discuss their experiences on results based payment AES. For study purposes, anyone with an active farm herd number who is participating in a results-based payment AES is eligible to take part. The project has been subject to ethical review in accordance with the procedures specified by the University of Ulster. If you would like to take part or have any further questions about the project, please feel free to contact me at the email address below. Name of researcher: Victoria McArthur Email address: [email protected]
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