NPWS to take in new Farm Plan Scheme participants to benefit nature
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Farming For Nature
3 years
This may be of interest to many of you. National Parks and Wildlife Service have opened their new Farm Plan Scheme. This helps funds building biodiversity on your land.
NPWS to take in new Farm Plan Scheme participants to benefit nature
Date Released: Wednesday, February 16, 2022- The NPWS Farm Plan Scheme supports landowners to deliver actions that benefit habitats and species in biodiversity areas of European and Irish importance
- A significant funding increase in 2021 saw the Scheme grow to almost 250 farm plans
- Minister Noonan invites interested landowners to submit applications by 31 March 2022
- deliver actions that benefit habitats and species in Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Areas, known collectively as Natura 2000 sites,
- to support farmland biodiversity more generally, and
- to provide a platform for trialling new conservation approaches which can be delivered on a wider scale.
- Plans that will deliver for the Conservation Objectives of designated sites such as Special Areas of Conservation, Special Protection Areas and Natural Heritage Areas
- Intervention plans for sites where there is a need to intervene and address the management of a particular area of land in agreement with the landowner (this is typically led by NPWS)
- Research and Innovation plans, aimed at advancing knowledge and testing new methodologies to inform wider application
- People with lands in designated sites such as Special Areas of Conservation, Special Protection Areas and Natural Heritage Areas
- People whose lands support habitats and species of conservation concern
- Dual funding with other Agri-Environmental Schemes (e.g. GLAS/REAP/EIPs) is not allowed