Peatland Management Research
Peatlands 0 replies 0 likes 1592 viewsMy name is Isabella Oakley, and I am currently in my final year at the University of Nottingham. I am currently investigating the management methods of peatland in East Anglia, including peatland restoration and two conservation strategies.
I am really interested to gauge the farming industry's perspective of peatland management, it would be a great help if you could spare 3-5 minutes to answer some questions I have prepared via this link: There is no prior knowledge needed around peatlands in order to answer the questions, nor do you need peatland on your land.
I am more than happy to share further information, so please feel open to ask any questions regarding my research and findings. Additionally, if you have any contacts or possible useful information, I would be extremely grateful if you could forward on to me or share my survey with your colleagues/organisations.
Thank you very much for your time and contributions.