Perceptions of Rewilding Research Project

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Ali Norman 2 years
My name is Ali Norman and I am a master’s student at NUI Galway, studying Environmental Leadership. As part of our course requirements, we must carry out a research project. I have chosen to focus my project on Rewilding. 
Rewilding, as you may be aware, can be a confusing term, with many different definitions and perceptions as to what it is and how it must be carried out. Unfortunately, this has hindered its use and prevented it being successfully integrated into policy and practice. 
For my project, I am looking to gain a greater understanding of perceptions of Rewilding across a range of groups and projects in Ireland. I am carrying out interviews and a survey, to understand how people define rewilding and how to carry it out. I am looking to do this in Late June/ Early July. I am looking for participants who are engaged in rewilding, biodiversity conservation and environmental projects in Ireland, on their own land, or as part of a wider organization.  If you would like to take part, or have any questions at all, please email me at: [email protected]
This project would be a step forward in protecting and enhancing Ireland’s Biodiversity, and I would greatly appreciate your contribution.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Thank you,  Ali 
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