Companies: Donations & Corporate Partnerships


You have the opportunity to do a one-off donation toward specific programmes or consider a more long-term high impact partnership with our organisation.

Why should your company support Farming For Nature?

  • Companies can enhance your corporate image, brand values and ethos: display your commitment to biodiversity, landscape and rural community – and stand out in a crowded market.
  • Inspire your employees: show them that you are a proactive and conscientious business linked to the conservation of the Irish countryside.
  • Create a ripple effect: Offer your team the opportunity to come on a farm Meitheal and do action for biodiversity.
  • Spread the word: enjoy joint promotional and media opportunities.

As a Corporate Donor you will enjoy:

  • Knowing you are supporting the work and impact Farming For Nature have on the ground.
  • Having your company name list on our website as supporter (optional).
  • Have a FFN Certificate on your wall showing the support you gave and what it achieved for nature.

Donation Options

Farming For Nature’s role is education, dissemination and promotion of nature-friendly farming practices (which farmers can often do themselves) as well as supporting actions for nature. Your contribution below could fund these actions as well as making a contribution towards our work to bring more farmers on board with nature-friendly farming and share best practice.

€2500                 Knowledge Exchange – virtual: This package supports a series of knowledge exchange programmes online such as 5 podcasts and 5 online webinars all aimed sharing the knowledge of the FFN network of farmers with other farmers and the general public. With audiences of up to 50,000, your company name could be mentioned as the supporter of this project to these audiences.

€5,000              Knowledge Exchange – on farms: This package supports a series of knowledge exchange programmes such as 10 farm walks, or 5 on-farm training and gatherings (meitheals) all aimed sharing the knowledge of the FFN network of farmers with other farmers and the general public. With audiences of up to 50,000, your company name could be mentioned as the supporter of this project to these audiences.

€10,000              Build a series of Ponds Support building a series of ponds on 8 farms.  These farms could be allocated to your county of choice or spread on a network of farms nationwide.  Building a pond is one of the quickest way to attract biodiversity on a piece of land.  These ponds can range from 20m in diameter to 1 acre depending on the site and the land available!  This cost includes digger and a wetlands ecologist support on building in the right location to support existing habitats and attracting new biodiversity. With audiences of up to 50,000, your company name could be mentioned as the supporter of this project to these audiences.

Want to multiply your impact?

High impact Programmes

We invite companies and philanthropic organisations to contact us directly with our high impact programmes that need support.  With these programmes we ask companies to consider a 3-5 years partnership with annual support so that it allows this small organisation to plan ahead.

We have tailored documents on each of these and can give a more personalise attention to the partnership.

These include:

  • The annual National Farming For Nature Ambassador Awards
  • A nation-wide Horse Mouth Mentorship programme
  • A nation-wide Pond building programme
  • Building up the Farming For Nature Network.

Please note that Farming For Nature only takes long term funding from partners who align with and support our work.  We have a funding raising policy here (TBD).  Please review before your company commits to organisation so you know you are aligned with our values.

Contact us directly at [email protected] to discuss High Impact Programmes more.

To achieve the annual Farming For Nature strategic plan we have to find approximately €300,000 each year to carry out our 20 different programmes.  50% of that is currently supported by the National Parks and Wildlife Service and the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine but has be to sourced annually.   We could do more with your help.

Did you know that being a Corporate Partner was Tax Effective Giving?

Farming For Nature comes under The Burrenbeo Trust which is an eligible charity and is listed on with an assigned Charity number (CHY No. 16834).  Tax relief has been available on donations of €250 or more in any one tax year to eligible charities from corporate donors.

Want to know more about our work? View here


If you are not a company but an individual donor link here for:


 Individual Donors – Farming For Nature Champions



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It is set up to encourage and support farmers that are or wish to include nature more in their farming practices. Whilst it is primarily for farmers we welcome users that are able to contribute from related fields.

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