Handbook bibliography

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Chapter 1: The rewards of farming for nature

Askew, J. (2023). Climate change is affecting what foods can be grown in the UK: This farmer is adapting. euronews. Retrieved 31 May 2024 from https://www.euronews.com/green/2023/01/11/climate-change-is-affecting-what-foods-can-be-grown-in-the-uk-this-farmer-is-adapting

Benbrook, C., Zhao, X., Yáñez, J., Davies, N., & Andrews, P. (2008). New evidence confirms the nutritional superiority of plant-based organic foods. In: The Organic Centre.

Bernacchia, R., Preti, R., & Vinci, G. (2016). Organic and conventional foods: differences in nutrients. Italian Journal of Food Science, 28(4).

Boatman, N. D., Parry, H. R., Bishop, J. D., & Cuthbertson, A. G. (2007). Impacts of agricultural change on farmland biodiversity in the UK. Issues in Environmental Science and Technology. No. 25. Biodiversity under Threat, 1-32.

Brandt, K., & Mølgaard, J. P. (2001). Organic agriculture: does it enhance or reduce the nutritional value of plant foods? Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 81(9), 924-931.

Brigance, C., Soto Mas, F., Sanchez, V., & Handal, A. J. (2018). The mental health of the organic farmer: psychosocial and contextual actors. Workplace Health & Safety, 66(12), 606-616.

Brozova, I. (2010). Economic profit of organic farmers in the Czech Republic. Agricultural economics (Praha), 56(5), 243-248. https://agricecon.agriculturejournals.cz/pdfs/age/2010/05/06.pdf 

Bullock, C., Kretsch, C., & Candon, E. (2007). The economic and social aspects of biodiversity: benefits and costs of biodiversity in Ireland. Report prepared for Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. Dublin: The Stationery Office. Retrieved from https://www.optimize.ie/wp-content/uploads/Biod-part11.pdf

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Carlin, C., Cormican, M., & Gormally, M. (2016). Health benefits from biodiversity and green infastructure (195). Environmental Protection Agency.

Chappell, M. J., & LaValle, L. A. (2011). Food security and biodiversity: can we have both? An agroecological analysis. Agriculture and Human Values, 28, 3-26.

Coyne, M. S., & Mikkelsen, R. (2015). Soil microorganisms contribute to plant nutrition and root health. Better Crops, 99, 18-20.

David, L., Dambrun, M., Harrington, R., Streith, M., & Michaud, A. (2021). Psychological and physical health of organic and conventional farmers: A review. Sustainability, 13(20), 11384.

Deegan, D., Fingleton, E., McEvoy, J. J., & Quigley, K. (2023). Nurturing mental health and well-being using ordinary farms. Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy, 51(1), 1-5.

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Dillon, E. J., Hennessy, T., Buckley, C., Donnellan, T., Hanrahan, K., Moran, B., & Ryan, M. (2014, 9 – 11 April). The sustainable intensification of the Irish dairy sector. 88th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society, AgroParisTech, Paris, France.

Dillon, P., Roche, J. R., Shalloo, L., & Horan, B. (2005, June-July). Optimising financial return from grazing in temperate pastures. XX International Grassland Congress Proceedings, Ireland and UK.

Environmental Protection Agency. (2024). What impact will climate change have on Ireland? Retrieved 31 May 2024 from https://www.epa.ie/environment-and-you/climate-change/what-impact-will-climate-change-have-for-ireland/

Farming for Nature. (n.d.). Practical ways to take climate action and enhance biodiversity on your farm.

Garibaldi, L. A., Gemmill-Herren, B., D’Annolfo, R., Graeub, B. E., Cunningham, S. A., & Breeze, T. D. (2017). Farming approaches for greater biodiversity, livelihoods, and food security. Trends in ecology & evolution, 32(1), 68-80.

Gosnell, H., Grimm, K., & Goldstein, B. E. (2020). A half century of Holistic Management: what does the evidence reveal? Agriculture and Human Values, 37(3), 849-867.

Hennessy, T., Buckley, C., Dillon, E., Donnellan, T., Hanrahan, K., Moran, B., & Ryan, M. (2013). Measuring Farm Level Sustainability with the Teagasc National Farm Survey. Agricultural Economics & Farm Surveys Department, Rural Economy and Development Programme, Teagasc.

Kamihiro, S., Stergiadis, S., Leifert, C., Eyre, M., & Butler, G. (2015). Meat quality and health implications of organic and conventional beef production. Meat Science, 100, 306-318.

Kirschenmann, F. L. (2007). Potential for a new generation of biodiversity in agroecosystems of the future. Agronomy Journal, 99(2), 373-376.

McCarthy, M., O’Reilly, S., O’Sullivan, A., & Guerin, P. (2007). An investigation into the determinants of commitment to organic farming in Ireland. Journal of Farm Management, 13(2), 135-152.

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Mouysset, L., Doyen, L., Jiguet, F., Allaire, G., & Leger, F. (2011). Bio economic modeling for a sustainable management of biodiversity in agricultural lands. Ecological Economics, 70(4), 617-626.

Nature Friendly Farming Network. (n.d.). Rethink Farming: A Practical Guide for Farming, Nature & Climate.

Norton, L., Maskell, L., McVittie, A., Smith, L., Wagner, M., Waterton, C., & Watson, C. (2022). Learning from innovative practitioners: Evidence for the sustainability and resilience of pasture fed livestock systems. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6, 1012691.

Norton, L. R., Maskell, L. C., Wagner, M., Wood, C. M., Pinder, A. P., & Brentegani, M. (2022). Can pasture‐fed livestock farming practices improve the ecological condition of grassland in Great Britain? Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 3(4), e12191.

O’Brien, O., Owens, S., Stanton, A., Allman, J., Browne, S., Cox, J., Fitzgerald, R., Harrington, J., Morrissey, J., & Tierney, A. (2023). Fixing food together: transitioning Ireland to a healthy sustainable food system–Climate and Health Alliance position paper. European Journal of Public Health, 33(Supplement_2).

O’Donnell, C. (2020). Heydon announces €8 million in research grants for bioeconomy. Agriland. Retrieved 24 May 2024 from https://www.agriland.ie/farming-news/heydon-announces-e8-million-in-research-grants-for-bioeconomy/

O’Rourke, F., Byrne, C., & Smith, G. (2023). Land Use Evidence Review. Phase 1 Synthesis Report. Environmental Protection Agency. https://www.gov.ie/pdf/?file=https://assets.gov.ie/246678/989cae78-87c1-49ab-99d7-7e02192de089.pdf#page=null

Ostfeld, R. S. (2017). Biodiversity loss and the ecology of infectious disease. The Lancet Planetary Health, 1(1), e2-e3.

Peigné, J., Casagrande, M., Payet, V., David, C., Sans, F. X., Blanco-Moreno, J. M., Cooper, J., Gascoyne, K., Antichi, D., & Bàrberi, P. (2016). How organic farmers practice conservation agriculture in Europe. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 31(1), 72-85.

Prescott, S. L., & Logan, A. C. (2019). Planetary health: from the wellspring of holistic medicine to personal and public health imperative. Explore, 15(2), 98-106.

Prescott, S. L., Wegienka, G., Logan, A. C., & Katz, D. L. (2018). Dysbiotic drift and biopsychosocial medicine: how the microbiome links personal, public and planetary health. BioPsychoSocial medicine, 12, 1-12.

Rois-Díaz, M., Lovric, N., Lovric, M., Ferreiro-Domínguez, N., Mosquera-Losada, M., Den Herder, M., Graves, A., Palma, J. H., Paulo, J., & Pisanelli, A. (2018). Farmers’ reasoning behind the uptake of agroforestry practices: evidence from multiple case-studies across Europe. Agroforestry Systems, 92, 811-828.

Romanelli, C., Cooper, D., Campbell-Lendrum, D., Maiero, M., Karesh, W. B., Hunter, D., & Golden, C. D. (2015). Connecting global priorities: biodiversity and human health: a state of knowledge review. World Health Organistion & Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Rural Resource Development, & Clare County Council. (2008). The Living Farmland: a guide to farming with nature in Clare. Rural Resource Development.

Ryan, M., Hennessy, T., Buckley, C., Dillon, E. J., Donnellan, T., Hanrahan, K., & Moran, B. (2016). Developing farm-level sustainability indicators for Ireland using the Teagasc National Farm Survey. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research, 55(2), 112-125.

Sandifer, P. A., Sutton-Grier, A. E., & Ward, B. P. (2015). Exploring connections among nature, biodiversity, ecosystem services, and human health and well-being: Opportunities to enhance health and biodiversity conservation. Ecosystem services, 12, 1-15.

Saxby, H., Gkartzios, M., & Scott, K. (2018). ‘Farming on the edge’: wellbeing and participation in agri‐environmental schemes. Sociologia Ruralis, 58(2), 392-411.

Schmeller, D. S., Courchamp, F., & Killeen, G. (2020). Biodiversity loss, emerging pathogens and human health risks. Biodiversity and Conservation, 29, 3095-3102.

Smart Farming. (2013). 8: Machinery. A Guide to Help Improve Farm Returns with Better Resource Management. Smart Farming. Retrieved 30 May 2024 from https://smartfarming.ie/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Farm-Machinery.pdf

Smith, R. K., Dicks, L. V., & Sutherland, W. J. (2015). Conservation Evidence: Evidence to improve practice. Scientific evidence to address priority knowledge needs for sustainable agriculture. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.

Seaton, F. M., Griffiths, R. I., Goodall, T., Lebron, I., & Norton, L. R. (2023). Soil bacterial and fungal communities show within field heterogeneity that varies by land management and distance metric. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 177, 108920.

Shepherd, M., Pearce, B., Cormack, B., Philipps, L., Cuttle, S., Bhogal, A., Costigan, P., & Unwin, R. (2003). An assessment of the environmental impacts of organic farming. A review for DEFRA-funded Project OF0405.

Smart Farming. (2013). 7: Time management. A Guide to Help Improve Farm Returns with Better Resource Management. Smart Farming. Retrieved 17 May 2024 from https://smartfarming.ie/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Time-March-2021.pdf

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Talukder, B., Ganguli, N., Matthew, R., Hipel, K. W., & Orbinski, J. (2022). Climate change-accelerated ocean biodiversity loss & associated planetary health impacts. The Journal of Climate Change and Health, 6, 100114.

Thomas, D. (2007). The mineral depletion of foods available to us as a nation (1940–2002)–a review of the 6th Edition of McCance and Widdowson. Nutrition and health, 19(1-2), 21-55.

Van der Ploeg, J. D., Barjolle, D., Bruil, J., Brunori, G., Madureira, L. M. C., Dessein, J., Drąg, Z., Fink-Kessler, A., Gasselin, P., de Molina, M. G., Gorlach, K., Jürgens, K., Kinsella, J., Kirwan, J., Knickel, K., Lucas, V., Marsden, T., Maye, D., Migliorini, P., Milone, P., Noe, E., Nowak, P., Parrott, N., Peeters, A., Rossi, A., Schermer, M., Ventura, F., Visser, M., Wezel, A. (2019). The economic potential of agroecology: Empirical evidence from Europe. Journal of rural studies, 71, 46-61.

Van Rensburg, T. M., & Mulugeta, E. (2016). Profit efficiency and habitat biodiversity: The case of upland livestock farmers in Ireland. Land Use Policy, 54, 200-211.

Vishnubhotla, V. (2024). Mapped: Impact of Climate Change on European Countries. GreenMatch. Retrieved 31 May 2024 from https://www.greenmatch.co.uk/blog/2019/04/climate-change-europe

Wagner, M., Waterton, C., & Norton, L. R. (2023). Mob grazing: a Nature-based solution for British farms producing pasture-fed livestock. Nature-Based Solutions, 3, 100054.

Wall, D. H., Nielsen, U. N., & Six, J. (2015). Soil biodiversity and human health. Nature, 528(7580), 69-76.

Zhu, Y.-G., Zhao, Y., Zhu, D., Gillings, M., Penuelas, J., Ok, Y. S., Capon, A., & Banwart, S. (2019). Soil biota, antimicrobial resistance and planetary health. Environment International, 131, 105059.

Chapter 2: How to get started: understanding nature on your land

Aguillón-Gutiérrez, D. (2019). Amphibians as biological indicators. Advances in Animal Science and Zoology, 14.

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Alexander, S., & Teagasc. (2020). Illustrated Guide to Horticultural Weeds. Horticultural Development Department, Teagasc.

Amat, J. A., & Green, A. J. (2010). Waterbirds as Bioindicators of Environmental Conditions. Conservation monitoring in freshwater habitats: A practical guide and case studies, 45-52.

Askham, B. (2020). Nature and pollution: what lichens tell us about toxic air. Natural History Museum. Retrieved 17 May 2024 from https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/nature-and-pollution-what-lichens-tell-us-about-toxic-air.html

Chowdhury, S., Dubey, V. K., Choudhury, S., Das, A., Jeengar, D., Sujatha, B., Kumar, A., Kumar, N., Semwal, A., & Kumar, V. (2023). Insects as bioindicator: A hidden gem for environmental monitoring. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11.

Cole, L. J., McCracken, D. I., Downie, I. S., Dennis, P., Foster, G. N., Waterhouse, T., Murphy, K. J., Griffin, A. L., & Kennedy, M. P. (2005). Comparing the effects of farming practices on ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and spider (Araneae) assemblages of Scottish farmland. Biodiversity & Conservation, 14, 441-460.

Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. (2020, 7 May 2024). Crops- Control of Noxious Weeds. Ragwort Information sheet. Retrieved 17 May 2024 from https://www.gov.ie/pdf/?file=https://assets.gov.ie/100834/320d710b-a3e9-47f0-86aa-8954b35233a3.pdf#page=null

Dierauer, H., Kranzler, A., & Ebert, U. (2016). Creeping Thistle: Successful control in organic farming (F. Regli, Trans.; 1 ed.). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL and Organic Research Centre.

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Farming for Nature. (n.d.). Indicator species – free agri-monitoring tools for your farm! Farming for Nature. Retrieved 17 May 2024 from https://www.farmingfornature.ie/indictor-species/

Marc, P., Canard, A., & Ysnel, F. (1999). Spiders (Araneae) useful for pest limitation and bioindication. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 74(1-3), 229-273.

Maughan, C., & Amos, D. (2021). Weeds as Bioindicators: A Farmer’s Field Guide (A. Hackett, Ed.). Pearl Moss Press.

McMahon, B. J., Anderson, A., Carnus, T., Helden, A. J., Kelly-Quinn, M., Maki, A., Sheridan, H., & Purvis, G. (2012). Different bioindicators measured at different spatial scales vary in their response to agricultural intensity. Ecological indicators, 18, 676-683.

Morelli, F., Jerzak, L., & Tryjanowski, P. (2014). Birds as useful indicators of high nature value (HNV) farmland in Central Italy. Ecological indicators, 38, 236-242.

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O’Brien, P., & Giaquinto, F. (2021). Plant identification key for the Results-based Environment-Agri Pilot Programme. In REAP (Ed.). Wexford, Ireland. Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.

Paoletti, M. G., D’Incà, A., Tonin, E., Tonon, S., Migliorini, C., Petruzzelli, G., Pezzarossa, B., Gomiero, T., & Sommaggio, D. (2009). Soil invertebrates as bio-indicators in a natural area converted from agricultural use: the case study of Vallevecchia-Lugugnana in north-eastern Italy. Journal of sustainable Agriculture, 34(1), 38-56.

Park, K. J. (2015). Mitigating the impacts of agriculture on biodiversity: bats and their potential role as bioindicators. Mammalian Biology, 80(3), 191-204.

Ruas, S., Rotchés-Ribalta, R., Ahmed, K. D., Gormally, M., Stout, J. C., White, B., & Moran, J. (2021). Selecting appropriate plant indicator species for Result-Based Agri-Environment Payments schemes. Ecological indicators, 126, 107679.

Russo, D., Salinas-Ramos, V. B., Cistrone, L., Smeraldo, S., Bosso, L., & Ancillotto, L. (2021). Do we need to use bats as bioindicators? Biology, 10(8), 693.

Sewell, D., & Griffiths, R. A. (2009). Can a single amphibian species be a good biodiversity indicator? Diversity, 1(2), 102-117.

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Stein-Bachinger, K., Gottwald, F., Haub, A., & Schmidt, E. (2021). To what extent does organic farming promote species richness and abundance in temperate climates? A review. Organic Agriculture, 11(1), 1-12.

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Chapter 3: Soil: the foundation of farming

Adetunji, A. T., Ncube, B., Mulidzi, R., & Lewu, F. B. (2020). Management impact and benefit of cover crops on soil quality: A review. Soil and Tillage research, 204, 104717.

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Chapter 4: Grassland systems

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