Funding Partners

Funding Partners

Much of the work of the Farming For Nature initiative is done on a voluntary basis.  However the following bodies provide financial support to Farming For Nature and this project would not be possible without their support.

Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM)

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s mission is to lead the sustainable development of a competitive, consumer-focused agri-food sector and to contribute to a vibrant rural economy and society. It is led by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine who is assisted by one Minister of State.  DAFM are co-supporting the development of our resources and outreach along with NPWS since 2019.  For more information go to

National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS)

The National Parks and Wildlife Service helps secure the conservation of a representative range of ecosystems to maintain and enhance populations of flora and fauna in Ireland through policy, monitoring and education. NPWS were the main sponsors of the BurrenLIFE project, predecessor to the Burren Programme. NPWS are co-supporting the development of our resources and outreach along with DAFM since 2019. For more information go to

Burrenbeo Trust

The Burrenbeo Trust is a landscape charity dedicated to connecting people to their place and their role in caring for them. Based in Kinvara, Co. Galway Burrenbeo engages with local and visiting communities, old and young, to generate a sense of informed pride in their heritage and landscape.  Burrenbeo also organise the annual Burren Winterage festival including the Winterage School on Sustainable farming, the Innovation Fair, Farming Awards and Cattle Drove ( and work closely with the Burren Programme (  Burrenbeo Trust is our host partner that Farming For Nature orginated from.  They offer admin support to the iniative.

Life 2 Good Foundation

Lifes2good Foundation invests in effective organisations that can make a positive impact on people’s lives. In the foundation’s first strategic plan (2018 – 2022) their primary focus was on supporting organisations that help empower and educate women and children and increase the impact of community-based initiatives in accordance with the principles of equality and non-discrimination. There is now a shift of emphasis in their second strategic plan (2023 – 2027). The primary focus in the new plan is on climate change and environmental issues. Life 2 Good Foundation is supporting the role of fundraiser within Farming For Nature for 2024-5 to help support us more.

What they say:

The metrics on website usage, farm visits, social media, etc. and the insights on feedback from external stakeholders is all very interesting and supports in real terms, what we have been witnessing in general. It has been very positive to see grow, and to be part of. Ó neart go neart mar a deirfeá. Dr Barry O’Donoghue, NPWS, commenting on the 2021 funding report.

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