Ask the Farmer Q&A with Blatnaid Gallagher

‘Growing Biofibre: Farming with Ireland’s Native Sheep Breed’ with Galway farmer Blatnaid Gallagher.  13th February 2023 8pm 

Free to attend, just register on Zoom here

Blátnaid Gallagher and her husband Niall manage a diverse farm with a range of different habitats such as woodland, permanent pasture, bogland and rewilded land. Blátnaid runs a small flock of pedigree Galway ewes, producing organic lamb and Galway wool. The farm is very extensively managed, with no chemicals used and external inputs are extremely low. Geese, ponies and donkeys are also kept on the farm. Much of the land is left for biodiversity and wildlife, including 6ha of bogland which is now a dedicated butterfly sanctuary, providing a habitat for the rare Marsh Fritillary butter


fly as well as numerous other insects and birds. Mature hedgerows, woodland and nature corridors throughout the land provide habitat for the healthy populations of birds on the farm, as well as badgers, hares, pine marten and foxes. More information on Blátnaid’s farm here. 

Free to attend, just register on Zoom here

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