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SOILCRATES Living Lab Launch

March 28 @ 10:15 am 1:00 pm

We are inviting farmers, landowners, or other agribusiness stakeholders to the launch of the SOILCRATES Living Lab at the Deebert House Hotel in Kilmallock on April 8th at 8 p.m. Attendees will learn how they can participate in restoring and preserving local soil quality.

The Living Lab’s main objectives include addressing soil health issues like nitrogen overuse and poor drainage, introducing innovative practices like biochar application, intercropping with nitrogen-fixing plants, and community-oriented events.

More information about the launch is available here: Launch of Mission Soil Living Lab SOILCRATES—Ballyhoura Country.



  The SOILCRATES Ireland Living Lab, spread across Counties Limerick, Clare, and Tipperary, is dedicated to addressing Ireland’s unique agricultural and environmental challenges. This Living Lab is a central element in the EU-funded SOILCRATES project, which focuses on sustainable soil management, biodiversity restoration, and integrating circular agriculture practices.

  Working collaboratively with 21 project partners, this lab will bring together local farmers, government bodies, advisory services, and community organisations to discuss and pilot ecologically sustainable and economically viable soil enhancement solutions.

  The Soilcrates project will launch on March 28th at the Moylish Campus of Tus in Limerick. You can register your attendance on evenbrite

Launch of Mission Soil Living Lab SOILCRATES-Ireland Tickets, Fri March 28th March 28th 2025 at 10:15 | Eventbrite

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