Ask the Farmer Q&A Session with James Gilmartin – Farming Progressively to the Land’s Natural Capacity on the 12th December at 8pm. Please register here
James Gilmartin is a 7th generation farmer, who farms alongside his father in North County Leitrim. James runs a mixed organic farm. He keeps a suckler herd and a small herd of Dexters, as well as a small flock of sheep. He keeps a bees and chickens too, producing honey and eggs for local customers. As a farmer, James doesn’t want to push the land beyond its natural capability, thus low stocking density, low external inputs and extensive management of the land are crucial elements of his farming system. Through the NPWS Farm Plan Scheme, James is just one of a few farmers currently trialling NoFence cattle collars to deliver targeted grazing in an upland setting. He has installed PV panels on the shed roof. There is a small pond on the farm and James enjoys planting trees and hedges on the farm every year.
If you missed any previous sessions please view below at your leisure or follow us on our YouTube Channel to be notified when the recordings are available there:
These events are supported by NPWS and DAFM.