

Kitchen Table Webinars with Farming for Nature Austria

Our partner organisation Farming for Nature Austria is running a series of Kitchen Table Talks with Irish, Austrian and Lithuanian Farming for Nature Ambassadors over 6 nights13th January: No-till farming in times of climate change 7:30 pm (Ireland) / 8:30 pm (Austria):With arable farmers Andrew Bergin from Ireland and Johannes Zauner from Austria.20th January, 7:30 pm (Ireland) / 8:30 […]

Organic Farming Principles Course with NOTS

Various locations: check out for more detailsLearn what’s involved in converting to organic farming with this 4-day / 2-weekend course in Organic Production Principles. The practical organic course is QQI Level 5 certified, and is accepted to gain access onto the Organic Farming Scheme.Please note, places are limited, so sign up ASAP to confirm […]

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