21st-24th October 2024
A series of free online webinars
You can now watch these on the links below
This week of webinars included a mixed panel of farmers and experts discussing a different subject each night over 4 nights as part of the Winterage Webinar Series. Each event has a separate link and must be registered individually.
This was the week in the lead up to the Farming For Nature Gathering on the 26th October in Kinvara. A great way to join us in person and meet more like minded farmers at this wonderful event of a farm walk in the beautiful Burren, panel discussions, the Annual Ambassador Awards and a cultural evening. More details about the Annual Farming For Nature Gathering here.
MONDAY 21st Restoring soil health and farm wealth
TUESDAY 22nd Re-integrating trees into your farming system
WEDNESDAY 23rd Financing Farming for Nature
THURSDAY 24th Adding value – capitalising on your ecological footprint