Martin Crowe
Martin Crowe is a dairy farmer near Doon, Co. Limerick. Milking 190 cows over 140 ha, Martin has been on a journey on recent years regarding his relationship with nature. Up to 5 years ago he was spraying everything so the farm was neat and tidy, used every bit of ground and drove it as hard as he could. Now Martin says 'climate influences every decision on the farm'.
They are reducing their reliance on chemical nitrogen and have reduced their usage from 150kg N/ha to 90kg N/ha in just two years. As part of the Mulkear EIP, they sowed multi species swards. He likes the multi-species mix but acknowledges it take a bit of getting used to with a different management system. However 'it saves on the labour, as the tractor only has to go into the field once a year'. He also notes in drought, it is the only sward that will grow.
Martin places a big emphasis on water quality and has installed three settling ponds for catching run off from the yard. He also takes part in knowledge transfer groups and leads farm walks to help other farmers, he says 'rather than telling them what to do, they could see for themselves what happens'.
There’s a pond on Martin's land– which has dragonflies, ducks, kestrals and others. He keeps two garden chairs up there to get some peace and quiet from time to time and uses the Merlin app to identify the birds singing there. He is also a keen tree and hedgerow planter given that many were taken out in the 1980s. He has also planted trees around the farmyard to capture ammonia. There’s a riparian buffer zone of 5/6ac - no cattle get into it and has lots of lowering devils bit scabious. He has also fenced off a 3 acre glen.
He has changed tack in recent years and now gets great satisfaction from letting his trees and hedgerows grow and flower. The legacy of the land is important to him. One Christmas he persuaded his five children out and they planted 300 trees together. 'In 40 years time, they'll know they planted those trees and they'll appreciate them'.
Nominator: Emma Hart, Conservation Ecologist, Member of Farming for Nature's Executive Committee
Martin is a dedicated commercial dairy farmer who has been deeply inspired by his children’s thoughtful questions about climate and the environment. Motivated by their curiosity, Martin has taken significant strides to adopt more sustainable farming practices on his farm. These efforts include implementing water quality measures, planting trees and hedgerows, and using multi-species swards to enhance soil health and reduce chemical inputs. A passionate advocate for sustainable agriculture, Martin is always eager to share his expertise and regularly organizes farm walks, offering others a chance to learn from his experiences. He is committed to continually improving his practices, always seeking to learn more about innovative ways to do more for the environment and future generations.