Philip and Ann Moynagh

Philip and Ann Moynagh started Corduff Organic Farm in 1999 with the main intention of producing healthy, organic and fresh food for themselves and their family. The farm quickly developed into a successful organic horticulture and beef system as it remains today. Currently there are 3 large polytunnels which are no-dig systems and there is 2 acres of field vegetables. Compost is made on the farm. A variety of vegetables are sold direct to customers via a vegetable box scheme. There is a small herd of pedigree Aberdeen Angus and Irish Moiles on the farm. Philip believes that these breeds are well suited to the heavier land as they are less likely to poach and damage the soil. A big believer in regenerative agriculture, Philip grazes the cattle in a paddock grazing system where they are moved to fresh pasture every day.

Pioneers of organic Irish vegetable production, Ann and Philip are passionate about education, and they believe in the value of showing people how to produce food in a way that works with nature rather than against it. They have welcomed over 140 WWOOFers to their farm over the years. They get immense joy and fulfilment watching people from all over the world learn first-hand the importance of local and organic food production. Philip and Ann have put up bee and bird boxes around the farm. Hedgerows are managed for biodiversity and wildlife. No chemicals are used on the land and external inputs are kept to an absolute minimum.

Nomination Description:
Corduff Organic Farm has been run by Philip & Ann Moynagh since 1999 and has been producing top quality organic vegetables ever since . Their organic potatoes, carrots and parsnips are legendary and they have been supplying to local markets and from their farm . In addition they have also peedigree Aberdeen Angus cattle and have also been breeding pedigree Irish Moiles since 2006 " ???????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????? ???????????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????? ???????????????? ???????? ????????????????????????????????. ???????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????? ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????? ???????? ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????? ???? ???????????????? ???????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????? ????????????????.’⁣ This is a quote from them, and as well as having a diversity of crops and animals the farm has several important habitats . The farm also carried hives and the farm produces its own honey also. There are lost of wild areas on the farm as well as some native trees interspersing the grassland. The Moynagh's are a great example of how a thriving sustainable organic production system works with nature and how both benefit .
Nominator: Johh Brennan, Manager, Leitrim Organic Farmers Coop

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