The Poole Family
Along with their three children, Alan and Cheryl Poole run a conventional dairying system near Gorey, Co. Wexford. They describe their system as intensive, milking 72 cows on 103 acres. However, they give over 20% space for nature on the farm - ‘We can do intensive and give space for nature’. They say it's possible by breeding to the highest EBI cows possible - the cows are very productive, yielding a high amount of milk solids and have a low somatic cell count. ‘We are the curators of this bit of land. We get up in the morning and are worried about the climate and the environment and we think we have an opportunity here to make a difference’.
They inherited a labour intensive farm 18 years ago and have invested heavily in the last few years to improve efficiency and for water quality. There are also future plans for a rainfall garden, sediment tank and wetland to further protect water quality on the River Slaney. ‘The reason we’re acting for water quality is because it’s the right thing to do not because of the derogation’. They are tactical about how and when they spread their nutrients. ‘We’re careful when we use the dribble bar, we only use it when it’s the best time to use it'. They are ‘always looking at the weather for a few days ahead and if there’s 20mm rain coming we hold off on spreading’. They maximise slurry use and have around a 38% nitrogen efficiency. They have sown clover and multi species swards and have reduced chemical nitrogen.
They have a keen interest in biodiversity having set up the Wexford Bat Group, installed swift boxes and built a sand martin wall. They cut their hedgerows on a 3-year rotation. They have lots of wildlife corridors, have planted 540m of new hedgerow and have been actively making smaller fields. There is over 1km of two metre margins around the farm. They've erected barn owl boxes and have planted a traditional orchard.
Nominator: Hannah Denniston - Assistant Agricultural Inspector, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Nomination: Alan and Cheryl Poole are full-time dairy farmers of Rose Bridge Farm based just outside Gorey, Co. Wexford. They are milking approximately 70 cows on 103 acres.
Their passion and dedication to nature is clearly reflected in the wildlife on their beautiful farm. Alan has a background in ecology and together with Cheryl they have become increasingly invested in leaving space for nature while maintaining a viable working family farm. They are passionate about demonstrating how the two can work together.
Together with their 3 children they have transformed the family dairy farm and it is now thriving with biodiversity from mature hedges, grass margins to teaming insect and bird life. Alan has recently converted approximately 25% of the grazing area to either multi-species sward or clover with benefits for pollinators as well as the soil.
In 2022, via the Teagasc Signpost series, Alan got involved with the All Ireland Pollinator Plan and worked with the Farmland Pollinator Officer to host a farm walk on what can be done for pollinators on an intensive dairy farm. This was a huge success with stands including local EIPs and conservation groups. The farm is also one of the sites for the Pilot National Pollinator Monitoring Scheme run by the National Biodiversity Centre since 2022.
Alan and Cheryl are involved with local wildlife groups and have worked with their contacts in the area on two specific projects providing nesting sites for swifts and sand martins. The installation of swift boxes and the construction of a sand martin wall has seen the successful return of these species to the farm. Through their own initiative and dedication both projects provide a valuable trial of these actions. The river Bann flows through the farm and Alan and Cheryl take part in the National Daubenton’s Bat Survey with Bat Conservation Ireland.
Alan is an active member of the Wexford Naturalists’ Field Club and using the platform to share their story and encourage the interest of others. In august 2024 he hosted a farm walk and talk ‘Nurturing Nature while Milking Cows’.
It is clear that the whole family value the nature on their farm and appreciate the benefit it brings to their life and work. They are proud of what they have achieved and are keen to share their story both locally and to anyone who may benefit.