Support us

Support Farming For Nature

We welcome support from the private and public sector and there are plenty of opportunities for you or your company/organisation to make a vital contribution to our work.

Farming For Nature has a clear mission and set of goals.  See here our complete Strategic Plan 2024-2026  

Put simply: Farming For Nature aim to encourage all farmers to increase biodiversity on their land, manage their land in holistic manner, provide cleaner water, build fertile soils, help mitigate against climate change, and produce nutrient-dense food that will benefit their community, their economy and their environment.

Who can help us

Individual donors

We welcome any individual to support the work of Farming For Nature.  Join us on this journey and become a ‘Champion’ of our work through a donation either in your name or in memory of someone.  Click here for our Individual Donors page.


We accept on off donations from the menu listed on the companies page. Or if you wish to have higher impact and a more of a long-term partnership we have these options listed too.  Click here for our Companies Donors page.

To achieve the annual Farming For Nature strategic plan we have to find approximately €300,000 each year to carry out our 20 different programmes.
50% of that is currently supported by the National Parks and Wildlife Service and the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine
but has be to sourced annually.   We could do more with your help.

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Join our forum for farmers to ask questions and share information around farming for nature.

It is set up to encourage and support farmers that are or wish to include nature more in their farming practices. Whilst it is primarily for farmers we welcome users that are able to contribute from related fields.

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