County Louth appeal - suitable Barn Owl nest box sites needed

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Louth Barn Owl Project appeal for suitable nest boxes locations. I'm hoping some landowners out there might be able to help us.  We are a group of volunteers who set up the Louth Barn Owl Project in October 2021.   One of the ways we are trying to help the small population of Barn Owls in Co Louth is by making nest boxes and hanging them in suitable areas, at no expense to landowners. We have over 70 boxes up to date in the county of Louth. One of the many reasons for the decline of the Barn Owl population is the limitation of suitable nesting sites.  Barn Owls don't build a nest so to speak and the loss of nesting sites through dilapidation or renovation of older buildings may be a contributory factor.  Modern style agricultural sheds don't have any areas for nests. But by hanging a nest box in suitable barns, this may entice any visiting Barn Owl to stay. We are hoping to meet more landowners in the county who'd be interested in helping us help the Barn Owl.   We would need to assess any quietish Barn or derelict buildings on their land and if suitable, hang a nest box. If you could ask any of your followers or people they know who may be able to help, to contact us via email at [email protected] or text 0866076420 and we will get in touch with  them to explain further and arrange a site visit. Very much appreciated, Kind regards, Nicola Carroll  from Louth Barn Owl Project
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