Land available: What to do with it?
Land; leasing, buying & advising 10 replies 1 like 1296 views
4 months
Land available.
Question: What to do with it?
In County Cork.
c. 20 hectares.
Good quality land, used for cattle up to now.
My father is a farmer.
He is slowly retiring.
He wishes to not farm this parcel of land anymore.
So, he would probably like to lease it out from next spring.
I am not a farmer, and do not intend to farm it myself, or be involved on the ground.
[at least not in short-term]
My concern:
The world's environment is becoming extremely seriously and precariously harmed with biodiversity loss, climate change and water quality issues.
Conventional dairy and beef farming are, as I see it now, a huge part of the problems of biodiversity, climate and water.
So, I am wondering is it morally alright to be part of this conventional harmful cattle-farming system?
Or does a landowner or farmer have a moral responsibility to do something very different and not harmful with the power they have in owning some land?
So, I am wondering: should we just lease the land out to a conventional, local dairy farmer?
Or are there alternatives to leasing I haven't knowledge of?
Or, if not, alternatives within leasing?
Are there people out there who would realistically be interested in being involved somehow in such land?
But in a very different way that would not be nearly as harmful as conventional dairy and beef farming?
Doing with the land I do not know what. ?
If leasing, would they be able to afford to lease it and make a profit with some alternative enterprise?
I have read through the Farming For Nature web-site, and I agree with type of farming FFN types to promote.
I am just exploring what options are out there, if any, without committing to anything at the moment.
I would appreciate just a little bit of information.
Or advice.
Or new perspective.
Or who/what I should contact to proceed.
Warm regards.
if needed:
[email protected]