Transitioning grassland to wild garden & food forest

Grassland 1 reply 54 views


I am looking for some advice. We have built a house in Wexford which is nearing completion. It is on 1 acre and the ground works are  done. The whole site is now brown and I want to plant something into it now to prevent the grass, docs, nettles, briars and thistles taking over. I will be planting a good few trees into it this winter and transitioning to a natural ‘wild’ garden with edibles and for wildlife. There will be just one small patch of ‘lawn’. As you might expect grass etc has started to regrow. It was previously a chemical free grass field; very good free draining soil; NW aspect. I will be transitioning the surrounding fields to a nature based farm system over the next years so this is just the beginning.

Any recommendations? – a friend suggested a cover crop for now? Not sure what way to go. Just want something which makes it easier this winter and next year to plant in other stuff, put in a pond etc

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