Due to phenomenal demand two more walks have been added to our Autumn schedule of walks.
Pen Saugnier who has a very diversified mixed stock farm in Co. Westmeath will be hosting hers on Sunday the 8th September at 2pm.
The only tillage farm walk this year will be on Tom Tierney’s farm in Co. Kildare on Thursday the 24th October at 11am.
Tickets cost €10 and are available to buy here: Farm Walks – Farming for Nature
Pen and her mother Diana keep Dexter cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, produce their own feed, grow their own veg and manage their forestry for continuous cover. Read more.

Tom follows the principles of conservation agriculture on his tillage farm in Kildare. He also manages a continuous cover forestry system and sets aside 12 acres for conservation including wetland and wildflower meadows. Read more.