
Farming For Nature receive numerous queries from farmers and landowners who are seeking  advice on how to enhance the  biodiversity on their land and help address our climate crisis.  We have put together a number of services that might help.


Peer to Peer Mentorship: The Horse’s Mouth 

This is a farmer-to-farmer knowledge sharing service to help guide what may be possible to improve the environmental conditional of a site and what practical actions to carry out.  This service is for farmers and landowners who want to enhance their biodiversity and want a fellow farmer to visit and explain how  and what they did in a similar situations.

More information here:

Peer to Peer Mentorship: The Horse’s Mouth

The Hare’s Corner

The Hare’s Corner is run under our partner organisation Burrenbeo Trust.  It is a is for farmers and landowners who want financial help and advice to enhance their biodiversity and not sure how to proceed.

More information here:

The Hare’s Corner



The Forum allows you to ask a question on the practical management of your land and receive responses from other farmers that have had similar experiences of what works and what doesn’t.

All you have to do is register your email – so that the responses go back you.  And then you are good to go!
Access the forum here:


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Join our forum for farmers to ask questions and share information around farming for nature.

It is set up to encourage and support farmers that are or wish to include nature more in their farming practices. Whilst it is primarily for farmers we welcome users that are able to contribute from related fields.

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